Thomas Diluglio
10 min readJun 12, 2018


Trump To Kim






Historic Korean Summit

June 12, 2018


“All Politics Is…Personal”

-Julius D. Thomas


With his elevation of the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim, to true international status, American President Trump has taught his young counterpart and the wider world.

That: all politics is…personal.


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Korean Missile Crisis


Kim Jong-un: The Last Korean King


In October of 1962 the United States was led by the young energy of John F. Kennedy. His Presidential leadership skills were put to a subtle and precise test in, what would become one of the most fraught diplomatic interchanges of the entire 20th Century.

In fact, few interactions by and between at-odds, modern governments have equaled the intrigue of the tense two-week battle of wit and nerve. That finally settled the “Cuban Missile Crisis”.

A potential for nuclear war had frighteningly edified itself in the most graphic and real terms. For the first time since the explosive appearance of atomic military might. That so abruptly ended the Second World War.


Were, one to indulge and, muse the potential circumstances that might have obtained had a tremulous Trump been President of America in 1962. It could be easy to say, today, that there would probably be no need to discuss the possible outcomes of a modern atomic arms race. As, by 2017, the answer would be either horrifyingly self-evident or there would be no human race to ponder the possibilities at all…

With the composed Kennedy at the Presidential helm in 1962, however, a more fortunate history can speak for itself. For the effort and the outcome: the entire world is still in debt to the young Commander-in-chief cum diplomat. Kennedy.


Missile Crisis:

1962 Vs. 2017


It is clear now to those of us who are safely swaddled in the comfort of a future. That it was the objective of Adolf Hitler, to conquer the world.

Via his quasi-governmental confection, the “Third Reich”, the Fuhrer had fashioned a juggernaut that was intended to accomplish his obscene goal and maintain it for no less than 1000 years. The fact of the matter is, that Hitler’s objective didn’t have to wait a careful dissection in aftertime in order for his goals to become clear.

What Hitler wanted and how he intended to achieve his desire. Became crystal early on in the debacle that sadly became known to History as: World War Two.




In the close aftermath of the end of the Second World War and while the chill of the next and aptly named “Cold War” settled over Europe and; across more distant parts of the globe. An animus developed that was born, in large measure, of insecurity.

The insecurity of a venerable society that had endured its own civil revolution and cultural evolution earlier in the 20th Century had propelled Russia to become the wobbly axis of a “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”. Russia had become a world power.

By 1962, Russia, having quelled its internal disruption, it’s ruling elite had already experienced more than a generation of the painful pangs of outward existential threat. This time the giant was intent upon asserting itself beyondits vast borders.

Perceiving the prospect of an increase and strengthening of the many, quickly developing alliances that had risen from the dank ashes of the holocaust of a war that had ravaged the once culturally verdant institutional fairgrounds of Europe and Britain.

Russia (DBA: USSR) endeavored to make its own mark in modern history and, arguably, did so with some success.

American democracy had clearly appeared to the Eastern and Asian powers-that-be as being at the root of a problem for the burgeoning Communist empire of Russia and its brief constellation of satellite nations. Not to mention its vaunted Communist sister-state: China.

With the proliferation of American forces in-residence within many European countries post-WWII and with the recreation of infrastructure and re-elevation of Continental, civilian culture. As well as the insinuation of a clear, strong-emerging democratic political suasion of so many war-torn capitals, all at the behest and with the material support of the U.S.

Folks like “First Secretary of the Communist Party”, Nikita Khrushchev. Were very worried.

The American influence in Western Europe, especially its presence in the form of troops and armament, including confirmed nuclear missile locations, some certainly near the borders of Eastern Bloc countries. Made for a tense atmosphere in the Kremlin, and…beyond.


Nuclear Tit-for-Tat


The Eastern Bloc countries of the Soviet Union were the “threshold”. That contained the perceived and, perhaps, real U.S. threat of democracy and nuclear dominance of the entire region: including…Russia.

The forces of the United States and her allies actually resided at the very atomic-threat threshold of Mother Russia’s metaphorical doorstep. Her doorstep was a conveniently cobbled institutional confection of various Eastern Bloc nations. That, American presence gained stature every day.


So it was, most likely, that the Communist Leader responsible for the endurance of the new Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. First Secretary Khrushchev took careful aim at a Russian occupation upon the “threshold” of America.

Cuba lay at America’s metaphorical doorstep. Cuba was an outlier; but, a Communist outlier.

The message was clear. ‘America, you stand at our door with the threat of nuclear arms in Europe. We, stand at your door with the same threat.’ Fair enough…

The Rub


Logistics. Khrushchev made his point to his people, to Kennedy, to America, to…the world. No one was going to impinge upon the great, Russian Bear.

The problem that faced the First Secretary, however, was that of execution of this ominous threat to America. Occupying a small, obscure Communist enclave a few score miles from the American coast was one thing. Using it as an effective base of actual offensive operations for a command that was nearly 10,000 kilometers from Moscow. Was, another thing entirely…

Successful execution of advancement of the Russian atomic threat with the hope of any meaningful strategic result was unlikely. The, aftermath of even a bungled attempt at subduing so great a power as America in its own backyard, were it accomplished: would be enormous and devastating. To America, the rest of the world and….Russia

The establishment and even eventual withdrawal of the “Cuban” missiles attained a valuable Russian objective, however. The objective wasn’t subduing the United States…

The objective was more subtle and precise. It made America and the world…aware.

Khrushchev’s Objective


First Secretary Khrushchev made his point. A president sweated. A mighty country sat transfixed and in fear. A world weary of war, wondered.

With the threat defused, however, the parties took on a more urgent cause. Some believe that the interrelationship between Washington and Moscow began anew and in earnest.

It might be said with some accuracy that with the Cuban missile incident successfully settled. The stage might have been set, at least subliminally, for the beginning of the great Cold War thaw.

History is replete with what followed. The slow motion, eventual drawback of the Iron Curtain; the fall of the “Wall”: perestroika; glasnost?


‘That Was Then, This Is Now’



“The difference is that was then, this is now.”

-S.E. Hinton, That Was Then, This Is Now




In August of 2017, international saber rattling is again in vogue. In fact, the hyperbole formerly reserved to the heads of state of one, or another ‘Mouse That Roared’ country, is emerging full-throated from not only a boy-king of North Korea but from a perpetually puerile U.S. President: Trump.

With such a backdrop, what lessons learned from the 1962 missile crisis, resolved by, two contemplative, relatively conservative, ideologues. Might be applied to the potential debacle brewing between North Korea and the United States today?


Kim’s Objective


With hours of media coverage and with millions of words already dedicated to circular discussion of the symptoms of the ‘Korean Missile Crisis’. Few if any wonk or pundit has asked the seminal question: WHAT DOES KIM WANT?

Logistics for the engagement of a Korean/American war would be daunting for both parties. Then again, the need for conventional logistics would be obviated by the employment of long-distance atomic amanuenses…

With that said, what does Kim want, actually? No one seems to know, as no one seems to have asked him. Or, even floated a media-inspired, rhetorically couched, question to the North Korea strong-boy.

There are purported “back-channel” discussions, which, there should always be: always and forever where any diplomacy is possible. Kim wants something. As did his Communist precursor, Khrushchev.

Once the desire is known. It would be inconceivable to imagine that the solution to the matter couldn’t be found and employed in short order.

Kim’s Cure

‘Physician Heal Thyself’

Whereas, it is the job of the physician to deal with, ameliorate and resolve to the best of her ability, the symptoms of a disease like cancer. It is the duty of the clinician and scientist to address ‘a cure for cancer’.

Without a cure for any disease, symptoms will be forever present. Treatment of the symptoms, however, will not disclose the cure.

Ignoring the cause of an ailment is tantamount to enablement of the disease. Find the cause and find the cure…

There is a cure for Kim. It might be more easily found than imagined, however. Ask.

Kim’s Legacy

‘History Repeat Thyself’

No doubt. Kim is obviously insecure as leader of the foremost conventional, hard-line, Communist, world power in existence today.

In a sense, since the recent emergence of close neighbor and ally, China as a less-than-completely-Red state, North Korea stands alone as a nation truly isolated from an informed and modern world. North Korea, is a country distanced from not only the ideologies of Western culture but saddled with a downtrodden, onerously insulated, perfectly shielded from outside civilization, populace of some 25 millions of people.

A vast population that is devoid of exposure to other cultures and, in fact, is uniquely hobbled. By the singular, quaint and ignorant belief that Kim and his ancestors are, in fact: gods.

Kim: the ‘man behind the curtain’


In a most un-entertaining way, in a most un-cinematic way, in the most threatening way: Kim Jong-un is a ‘man behind the curtain’. Not so much in the playful vein of some cheery and benign imaginary “wizard” of movie immortality.

Working the machinery of distraction and deception that keeps a pliant population in thrall. The leader, Kim, casts a spell over millions of reverent charges as he rules his close, official underlings and minions with a…chubby, but unmistakably iron, fist.

Kim Jong-un cannot afford to have the “curtain” that shrouds his greater population from the facts and offerings of the outside world. That retains to him the gossamer of respectability among his loyal followers. Drawn away…
The ‘man behind the curtain’ must, at all costs, stay elevated among his people. The leader must retain the integrity of the fragile bubble of the, most terse from of Communism in the world today for his citizen-charges.

While at the same time, attempting meaningful conversation with the wider world, in order to sustain viability with certain foreign governments as well as, exercising the hope of increased expansion into outside commercial markets. Welcome to Kim’s conundrum…

Kim’s Conundrum

Kim, the national leader surely must want to share in the South Korean industrial success. The leader could not possibly afford a Vietnam-like: country melding of the local peninsula region, however. Where there would be a reunited Korea.

Having a porous border or no border per se, as exists in the unified Vietnam. Kim would instantly lose the loyal god-idol following born of generational ignorance and the denial to North Koreans of the natural benefits and eye-opening knowledge of life as it exists in the outside world. Kim’s image would suffer; his “curtain” would be rent.

Comparing the adjustment of Communist dominance in Vietnam with such a threat of dilution of Kim’s brand of firm Communism in North Korea. The perceived substance of Kim would be exposed to, such a devaluation, among his population. That it is likely that neither Kim nor Communism could survive the effects of an open and free North Korea.

Moreover, the shock of exposure to the realities of the outside world would likely engender an internal, citizens revolt that, in its alacrity and immenseness would probably consume everything in its path: be those things good or bad. Complete disintegration of everything associated with the Kim dynasty would commence and not end before its total annihilation.

A North Korean citizens revolution at a break-neck pace would unsolder so much on the divided peninsula. That the surrounding territories including South Korea and China would likely have to entrench themselves: against it.

A Solution For Kim “The God”

The devolution of traditional Communism in both Russia and China into a less rigorous dogma wherein they each engaged careful cultural compromises in order to conduct business and exchange international nuance with the West and the rest of the world. Was, at first, likely hampered by a natural, general, institutional proclivity of their governments and citizenry towards isolation.

There were, however, since the middle of the 20th Century, no single individuals who were held to, a literal, god-status in either Russia or China. The, segue from isolated Communist state to international Communist entity was unfettered by the dominance of a titular figure that was actually so madly venerated in either country as is: Kim in North Korea.

Kim needs a peace treaty at the 38th parallel. That takes the threat from his door, sustains, for the time being, the dark-side of the North Korean existence and allows for trade with South Korea and the rest of the world all while keeping Kim’s image as a strong-boy icon to his people. This, of course, is surmise.

Ask Kim

It is highly unlikely that Kim can exist successfully in both worlds, however. He surely knows this.

How he can balance a sense of perfect hegemony as well as enthusiastic idol worship among his people andencourage a more acceptable posture towards the rest of humanity. Are, the ‘horns of Kim’s dilemma’.

By all means, however, the West and the rest of the world should: Ask Kim Himself. “What do you want?”


Posted 13th August 2017 by DILULIUS, King of Troy

(Original Publication)

Posted 1 minute ago by DILULIUS, King of Troy

