Thomas Diluglio
4 min readMar 23, 2017


Margaret Thatcher & David Cameron


“The Iron Lady”& The Iron Will


“Freedom under rule of Law. Nothing else matters.”

–Former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher


An Old Freedom

So went the intimate conversation of a youthful Prime Minister. A conversation had with his venerable counterpart; a worn and waning dowager descendant of the most vaunted and unparted line of democratic rulers in the free world. David Cameron had finally had “the” meeting with “The Iron Lady”.

For nearly a thousand years freedom under the rule of Law was the most prominent link of the unbroken chain of successful democratic government that is the British Empire. Thatcher condensed a millennium of democracy into a two-sentence essence. The younger leader took note.

Unbroken was the chain: due to the sacrifice and grit of the greatest of predecessors of the “Iron Lady” like Winston Churchill. Prime Ministers.

Then unto others and: to and through this youthful Prime Minister. All were fledged members of the lower house of Parliament. All were forged of the brimstone crucible that is the British House of Commons. All were dedicated to the longest continuously operating democracy in the history of the wide world.

Some, in time, had come to be amongst the greatest leaders that that world has ever known. “The Iron Lady” was so numbered. The history of this young leader, too, seemed destined to be writ large.


A New England

During the 94th address to the faithful beneficiaries of one of the most successful and storied informational events in the region: The Stephen A. Ogden Jr. ’60 Memorial Lecture on International Affairs series at Brown University; the recently ‘retired from politics’ the ‘Right Honorable Gentleman’ and former Prime Minister gave the ever-lasting impression that he is a deserving link in the stout chain that yet binds the past to the present vis-à-vis talented and determined British leaders. Cameron is the real thing.

David Cameron was barely in the prime of political life when duty called him unto the highest legislative governing office of the British Empire. At the knee of the once mighty Margaret Thatcher he sat that day. He explained to the crowd assembled in the Brown University Pizzitola Center…

She who had done signal honor to the residence at 10 Downing Street and yeoman’s service to the common folk as well. Thatcher had been the equal counterpart to the plain patriotism of her sometimes larger-than-life ‘American Cousin’: President Ronald Reagan.

On a bright March afternoon on the “New England” campus of a venerable edifice of American higher education the yet young Cameron, too held his audience in thrall. He described his moving visit with Thatcher. His listeners were rapt with quiet enthusiasm for the story to come…


The Power of Her Eye

Weakened by ample life and having long before, gracefully departed authority of office. The great woman was yet perfectly unsullied by the ordinary ravages of age that might normally tend to undermine great character. The power of her eye: that bowed the will of so many had not been “laid widow”.

The Right Honorable David Cameron, on this spring day a guest of one of the former “colonies” of his long-gone predecessors, quietly and respectfully told the thousands of American-educated before him that she held his eye. “The Iron Lady” told this young man of future world might: ‘David, you mustn’t forget’. That he was to be bound by one tenet above all…

Because nothing else matters, she admonished that: “Freedom under rule of Law” was all. Cameron believed her then. Cameron believes her today. Moreover, this day at a campus in a New England, his audience too became rapt with belief.

“Authority forgets a dying king,
Laid widow’d of the power in his eye
That bow’d the will.”

-Alfred Lord Tennyson Morte d’Arthur


‘Two Nations Divided By a Common Language’

The still young former world leader explained an inexhaustible sinew that exists between two nations: was and still is the first lesson of the dignity of international respect and gratitude. In a world where all can be laid waste in a maelstrom of ego or an explosion of rage, the levelheaded student of Eaton and Thatcher was the example of poise and class and purpose.

Cameron detailed again that the bond of two nations, leaders in democracy, was an example to the modern world yet. As ever the avowed optimist, his was a bright vision delivered on a clear day in a season’s promising incipience.

That: with renewed succor to the less advantaged, the world would be a better place. No matter the distance in leagues apart or the disparity of expression due to the natural vagaries of language: Human goodness and consideration transcends all.


An Iron Will
&A “Birther” argument

David William Donald Cameron is clearly a man of principle. With the promise of a continuing brilliant career the PM resigned his high post in favor of the momentum of BREXIT. With a wager of sorts that his position against an exit from the European Union for Britain would prevail in the referendum; he resigned his leadership. As: promised.

Had the symposium that he starred been open for discussion at the conclusion of his articulate remarks that day, it is certain that at least one in attendance would have respectfully queried: ‘If you, Sir, have any doubt about your place of birth; that is you could have, by some strange trick of Fate, been born in the United States. Your candidacy for the American Presidency would be most welcome. It could help suspend a yet young sister-nation in democracy from what promises today, to be a sophomoric slip into historical non sequitur…


God. Save the Queen, David Cameron and the United States.


Posted 48 minutes ago by DILULIUS, King of Troy

